News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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  • March 30, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    ATN: An 8-year old girl was raped in the Takhar province. General Ziauddin Mahmoodi, the commander of the police of Takhar said that the man involved has been arrested and is in the custody of the police now. Dr. Ashrafuddin Aini, head of the Civil Hospital of Takhar said that the 8-year old is admitted in this hospital and is under treatment.      Full news...

  • March 28, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    AFP: Even Mother Nature was cruel on the day 15 years ago when rampaging thugs chopped off Marzia's fingers for a gold ring and shot dead her nine-year-old son when he cried out to object. It was a bone-chillingly cold morning, she recalls, when militia loyal to Pashtun warlord Abdul Rab-Rasoul Sayyaf -- now a parliamentarian -- captured her village, west of Kabul and dominated by ethnic Hazaras.      Full news...

  • March 26, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Le Monde: Afghanistan should be a textbook case, a model, the very paradigm of the "reconstruction" of a failing state under the auspices of a mobilized international community. There were so many hopes and promises right after the 2001 fall of the Taliban regime which al-Qaeda had made its rear base!      Full news...

  • March 25, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The Financial Times: The international aid effort in Afghanistan is in large part "wasteful and ineffective", with as much as 40 per cent of funds spent going back to donor countries in corporate profits and consultant salaries, Kabul-based charities will say today.      Full news...

  • March 25, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    AP: The prospects for peace in Afghanistan are being undermined because Western countries are failing to deliver on aid promises — and because much of the aid money they do send is going to expatriate workers, according to the Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief, an alliance of 94 international aid agencies.      Full news...

  • March 24, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    AFP: Gunmen killed five Afghan mine clearers in an ambush on their convoy in northern Afghanistan, their UN-funded company said Monday, in one of the bloodiest attacks on non-government workers in months.      Full news...

  • March 22, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    PAN: A 16-year old girl was kidnapped by unknown armed men in the Nahreen District of Baghlan province. The parents of 16-year old Guldana claimed that she had been kidnapped by a group of five unknown, armed men in the middle of the night in the New City area.      Full news...

  • March 19, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Six civilians killed during US raid in Afghanistan
    Belfast Telegraph: US soldiers have killed six Afghan civilians during a military raid in the east of the country this morning, according to a local official. A woman and two children are said to be among the dead following the operation in the village of Hom, close to the Pakistani border.      Full news...

  • March 16, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Chicago Tribune: The homes in the fancy Shirpoor neighborhood are a child's fantasy of mirrored columns, rainbow-colored tiles, green glass, imposing arches and high gates. They also are evidence of what has gone wrong with Afghanistan, almost seven years after the Taliban was chased from power into the mountains.      Full news...

  • March 14, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan Women Want Warlords in the Dock
    Internationalen Weekly: Undeterred by the “international community’s” political exigencies, the Afghan woman has not given up her struggle for peace, democracy, liberation as well as her right to education, health and work. Nowhere, perhaps nowhere in the world, one finds a woman as keen for education as an Afghan woman. And embodiment of this struggle is RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of the Woman of Afghanistan. Alerting the world since 1977 to the sufferings and struggle of Afghan woman, RAWA is the only woman, if not political, formation to have survived 30 years of Afghan war. An achievement in itself. ‘There is no organization on earth like it’, says John Pilger.      Full news...

  • March 13, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The Independent: Two women and two children were killed in an air strike called in by British forces in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence said. It is understood that the incident in Helmand Province took place after British troops had called in air support to help extricate them from a Taliban ambush at an undisclosed location in the southern part of the war-ravaged province.      Full news...

  • March 8, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Green Left Weekly: It has to be one of the most unbelievable stories of the century: New Idea, a magazine that trades on gossip about royals and other celebrities, is blamed for exposing Prince Harry’s deployment in the British military intervention in Afghanistan. It is about as believable as the plot of Mark Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper, in which a young prince swaps places with a street lad to see what life is like in “Paupersville”.      Full news...

  • March 5, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    IRIN News: Saliha still mourns the death of her three-year-old daughter, Halima, who died due to severe diarrhoea at a hospital in Kunar Province, eastern Afghanistan, on 11 January. The child had drunk contaminated water which Saliha's family collects from a nearby river and uses for all purposes, including drinking, cooking and washing.      Full news...

  • March 3, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Malalai Joya: Canada should change its policy on Afghanistan's Derrick O'Keefe recently gathered a significant statement by Malalai Joya, one of the more courageous and heroic political figures in Afghanistan today. She makes the memorable statement below about the billions of dollars in military spending and aid money which has effectively been squandered in Afghanistan by the run-away corruption of the Karzai government.      Full news...