News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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  • July 15, 2024 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban-supporting cleric: Protesting women should be paraded naked in the streets of Kabul
    RAWANews: Zarmina Paryani, a woman who protested against the Taliban, was imprisoned and tortured by the regime. She managed to escape Afghanistan with several of her sisters and sought asylum in Germany. In a Facebook post, she revealed that the Taliban had forcibly stripped her naked in prison and took photos of her. Zarmina and her three sisters were arrested in Kabul in early 2022 and, after enduring three weeks of imprisonment and torture, were released. Her revelations had a widespread coverage on social media and sparked collective outrage against the Taliban.      Full news...

  • June 19, 2024 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban scholar: Teaching women even at homes is prohibited
    RAWA NEWS: Hafiz Ziaullah Hashimi, the spokesperson for the Taliban's Ministry of [anti]Higher Education, shared a video clip of Sheikh Abdul Ali Deobandi on his X profile, labeling it an “important Fatwa.” In the clip, Sheikh Deobandi states that teaching women, even at home, is prohibited because it leads to writing letters to men, which he considers sinful. A Fatwa is an Islamic legal opinion issued by a qualified scholar on specific religious or legal issues.      Full news...

  • April 23, 2024 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Bamyan Religious Schools; Means of Ensnaring Girls in Ignorance
    RAWA News: With the return of the oppressive Taliban regime, the dark and bloody history of our land has reverted, reopening the unhealed wounds of our people, particularly from the initial period of the current medieval group's rule. In both eras of their barbaric governance, the people of this stricken land have borne witness to the most heinous crimes. Bamyan stands as a living testament to the atrocities committed by these malevolent individuals, a legacy that our people will never forget. Despite their silence born from a sense of helplessness, the scars of destruction remain apparent even after two decades.      Full news...

  • March 7, 2024 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    KJK message to RAWA: We see your struggle as our own struggle
    ANF News: The Kurdistan Women’s Community (Komalên Jinên Kurdistan, KJK) sent a message to the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) on the occasion of March 8, International Working Women’s Day, saying the following: “First of all, we salute you on March 8, International Working Women’s Day, and with that, all women around the world who struggle against male domination, colonialism, religious fundamentalism, nationalism and capitalism. We respectfully commemorate all revolutionary women, who have lost their lives for this cause, and we renew our promise that we will keep their memories alive in our struggle and realize their dreams.      Full news...

  • February 26, 2024 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Italian funds to Fawzia Koofi, corrupt former vice-president of the Afghan parliament
    RAWA NEWS: On 19th November 2023 the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, with this title, proudly presents on its website funds of 4.5 million euros for 2022 specifically aimed for supporting Afghan women.In particular, they said the support is in favor of “Fawzia Koofi, the first vice-president of the Afghan Parliament, as well as former President of the Commission for women’s issues and human rights, who after the fall of Kabul into the hands of Taliban, continued to fight to promote the rights of Afghan women and girls. In June 2022, thanks to the support of the Women’s Peace Humanitarian Fund (WPHF), Fawzia Koofi traveled to Geneva to ask the United Nations Human Rights Council to hold a debate on the women’s and girls’ rights crisis in Afghanistan. ...Fawzia Koofi’s denunciation activity would probably not have been possible without the contribution of the United Nations WPHF...”      Full news...

  • February 18, 2024 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    RAWA: We take courage from our Kurdish sisters
    ANF News: The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) sent a message to the internationalist women struggling in Rojava on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the international conspiracy that led to Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan’s abduction from Kenya and handover to Turkey on 15 February 1999.We, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, advocate united struggle and solidarity for the release of Abdullah Öcalan and all political prisoners.For more than half a century, Afghan women have been living under the heavy burden of imperialism and oppressive fundamentalist regimes. Recently, the Taliban regime has further oppressed women and ignored everything related to them. It has usurped women's rights and dignity, confined them to their homes and imposed compulsory head covering, arresting those who do not comply.      Full news...

  • August 18, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan women protesters: Taliban are a disgrace to humanity!
    RAWANews: On the 15th August, two terrible years have passed when, according to the plans of the US and NATO, the brutal and misogynist creatures named Taliban, were replaced with the "republican" brothers and took the responsibility for the advancement of the United States colonial policies in our homeland; Two years that brought nothing but the collapse of the last manifestations of freedom, humanity and knowledge, poverty and cruelty for the people and especially the women of Afghanistan...      Full news...

  • November 25, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan Women Protesting in Kabul: “We will Never Surrender!”
    RAWANews: On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a group of Afghan women staged protest rally in Kabul despite restriction of misogynist Taliban on such gatherings. Women were chanting slogans “Raise up for your rights!”, “Woman, Life, Unity”, “Silence is a Shame”, “We will fight for our rights” etc…      Full news...

  • September 24, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban strictness in Bamyan; the Religious Police speak to female students with a whip in hand
    8am: Female students in Bamyan are complaining about the Taliban’s strictness in enforcing good and forbidding evil. Insulting, humiliating, whipping and inspecting clothes under the pretext of not observing hijab are some of the things these students face. Female students complain about the harsh treatment of Taliban’s Religious Police and describe the way they are examined as “inhumane”; but women’s rights activists believe that Taliban officials want to discourage girls from continuing their education by increasing strictness.      Full news...

  • August 14, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghanistan under Taliban a killing ground for women: Some victims of the past five months
    RAWA News: Afghanistan under the brutal rule of the Taliban is a big prison and slaughterhouse for its women and girls. The past one year was a complete catastrophe for Afghan women in every field of life. However, Afghan women were in the forefront of the fight for justice and their rights. Despite being suppressed, tortured and jailed, they continue to voice their opposition to Taliban and their foreign masters. We have listed few out of hundreds of women killed in the past five months that have been reported in the Afghan media:      Full news...

  • June 17, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    30 Female Students Arrested by Taliban From Takhar University
    8am: Local sources in Takhar province told Hasht-e Subh that Taliban fighters have arrested 30 female students who were living in Takhar university’s hostels on charges of leaving the hostel without Taliban permission. Sources in Takhar University say the students took a Friday break to go to a park for fun.      Full news...

  • June 7, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban Shot Dead a Brother and Sister in Baghlan
    8am: The Taliban gunmen have shot dead a brother and sister in Baghlan province, sources in the province reported. On Monday night, the Taliban fighters raided the house of Mehrabuddin, a resident of Khost district, arresting and torturing his son named Sohrab for affiliation with the National Resistance Front, according to sources. Sources have stated that during the torture of Sohrab, his 17-year-old sister threw herself on her brother in order to protect him, as a result of which the Taliban shot dead both of them.      Full news...

  • March 31, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The burnt body of a former government soldier was found in Herat
    Etlaat-e-Rooz: Relatives of a former government soldier in Herat say he was mysteriously killed and his body burned. He was named Hassan Qanuni and his body was discovered today (Thursday, March 31). Mr. Qanuni’s brother, Said Baqir Sajadi, said his brother had a background in the police force. He also studied pharmacology.      Full news...

  • March 10, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Poverty and unemployment: a man in Faryab sells his 10-years-old daughter
    Etilaat-e-Rooz: A man in Faryab says unemployment, poverty and misery have forced him to sell his 10-years-old daughter. Assadullah, a resident of Faryab’s Belcheragh district, now lives in Maimana, the provincial capital, with a 10-years-old girl and two younger children. He says, he lost his wife eight months ago and now has a lot of problems with his underage children.      Full news...

  • March 2, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Story of a war and poverty-stricken Afghan widow
    RAWA News: The woman (name protected) shown in the photo is in her 40s and belongs to Chahrdara village of Kunduz province in the northern Afghanistan. Four years ago (2017) when heavy infighting was going on between Ghani government and Taliban rebels in Kunduz, the family escaped the area hoping to build a safer and better life for their children in the capital. Like thousands of other miserable Afghans who became victims of insecurity in Kabul, this family also faced a deep tragedy: she lost her husband in a suicide attack and due to nervous breakdown and a stroke, she became paralyzed in both legs.      Full news...

  • February 23, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Field court: An Afghan officer educated in Turkey was shot dead
    Etilaat-e-Rooz: On Monday night, Feb.21,2022, Taliban forces opened fire on a vehicles carrying three people in the Bakrabad area in central Herat city. Mahboob Shah, a former Herat police officer, was killed by Taliban insurgents along with two civilians. The Taliban displayed their bodies in several parts of Herat city. Photographs of the incident on social media show that the Taliban have dealt harshly with them.      Full news...

  • February 20, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The Taliban banned establishment of literacy classes in homes
    Etilaat-e-Rooz: The Taliban’s Ministry of Guidance, Hajj and Endowments has banned “establishment of educational circles in residential houses" by literacy institutes and banned adult women from teaching in "religious schools located in mosques.” The Taliban Ministry of Guidance, Hajj and Endowments recently announced this in a letter to a number of literacy institutes in Kabul and the provinces. The letter also emphasizes that girls and boys can not study in a mixed class.      Full news...

  • February 7, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Alleged killing of a civilian by the Taliban in Kabul sparks protest
    Etlat-Rooz: Residents have staged a protest following the killing of a civilian in Kabul’s Mirbacheh Kot district. The incident took place this evening (Monday, February 7) in the “Sarai Khaja” area of Mirbacheh Kot district of Kabul and the victim was a shopkeeper. Protesters carried the body on the Parwan-Kabul highway, chanting “Death to the Taliban!” slogan as the road closed to traffic.      Full news...

  • February 5, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The Taliban have hired 15,000 mullahs for propaganda
    Afghanistan International TV: A spokesman for the Taliban’s Ministry of Promoting Virtue and Prohibiting Virtue said 15,000 mullahs had been recruited across Afghanistan. Mohammad Sadegh Akef said that among their missionaries, there are currently no Shiite mullahs, but the process of hiring mullahs from other religions continues. In an interview with Entekhab Media, he said that the fight against Western ideology in Afghanistan is one of the main plans of the Taliban in the coming years.      Full news...

  • January 13, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban killed a young woman at a checkpoint in west of Kabul
    Etlat-e-Rooz: Taliban forces shot and killed a young woman at a checkpoint in the Dasht-e Barchi area. The incident took place yesterday evening (Thursday, Jan.13) in the Gulai area of the 13th district of Kabul. The victim of this incident is named Zeinab Abdullahi. Fatemeh, the victim's sister, told the daily Al-Inta'a that she and her sister and son-in-law were confronted by a Taliban checkpoint on their way back from a wedding in Gulai and were stopped at the checkpoint; But Taliban forces opened fire on their vehicles a few meters away.      Full news...

  • January 6, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    A young girl committed suicide in Paktia
    Subh-e-Kabul: A Paktia police spokesman said the girl was initially injured; But she died due to heavy bleeding after being taken to the hospital.Taliban security officials in Paktia province say a young girl has been shot dead in the province. Omar Badri, a spokesman for the Taliban police command for Paktia province, said the incident took place in the Ahmadabad district of the province after noon on Wednesday (Jan.5)      Full news...

  • January 1, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    UNICEF: Children killed in Afghanistan make up 27% of child deaths worldwide
    Daily 8AM: The United Nations says children are more likely to be abused in Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria and northern Ethiopia. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on Friday released statistics on child violence around the world, particularly in Asia, saying that in 28,500 incidents, 27 percent of the world’s child casualties were recorded in Afghanistan      Full news...

  • December 30, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Poverty and non-payment of salaries, a sick teacher died in Kandahar
    Etlat-e-Rooz: Sources at Zahirshahi High School, one of the oldest high schools in Kandahar province, confirm that Allah Nazar, the high school teacher, has died. According to these sources, Allah Nazar was ill in recent days and could not see a doctor due to poverty.One of the sources told the daily Ettela’at that Allah Nazar had served as a teacher at Zahirshahi High School for 40 years and had died of shortness of breath at home yesterday.      Full news...

  • December 5, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    A young girl hanged herself in the center of Daikundi
    Etlat-rooz: Local sources in Daikundi province say a young girl has hanged herself in Nili, the provincial capital, and ended her life. The sources, who asked not to be named in the news, told the daily Etlat-e-Rooz that the girl was named Basgol and was a second-year student at Bamyan University. According to sources, Basogol was 21 years old and committed suicide last night. Family problems, the closure of the university gates and frustration with the future are among the reasons for the young girl's suicide.      Full news...

  • December 3, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    RAWA photo report from disastrous conditions of displaced people in Herat
    A team of RAWA surveyed displaced people in Herat Terminal Street. Around 5000 people from Ghor and Badghis provinces have been displaced here due to poverty, unemployment, insecurity and drought. In the cold weather, the condition of children is disastrous. They beg in the streets and have no facilities for sanitation, let alone education and playing. Very little aid has been provided to them by some Afghan businessmen but Taliban gunmen get a portion of aid saying they also face food shortage.      Full news...

  • December 1, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    RAWA photo report from a camp of IDPs in Balkh province
    RAWA team surveyed a camp of displaced people in Nahre-Shahi district of Balkh province in Northern Afghanistan. Lack of security, poverty, unemployment and pressure of Taliban forced around one million people across Afghanistan to leave their villages and gather in suburbs of big cities under deplorable conditions. While most non-governmental and international aid organization have stopped their operations in Afghanistan, starvation threatens the life of millions in the coming winter. Children and women are in higher risk.      Full news...

  • November 30, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    A Glimpse Over Herat, Under Taliban’s Medieval Reign
    RAWA News:After the infamous Doha agreement between the United States and the Taliban led by Zalmai ‘Zalilzad’, we witnessed that most parts of Afghanistan were handed over to the Taliban within a few weeks and all of Herat’s districts were no exception, including Qala-e-Islam port. The illusional war and the government’s delusive pretense of the so-called “defense”, lasted only two weeks in the outskirts of the city.      Full news...

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