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Wakht News Agency, June 1, 2011

IDP situation concerning, UNHCR

According to him, the internally displaced people were mostly fled from the restive provinces such as Kandahar, Helmand, Oruzgan, Nangarhar and Herat for the relatively secure regions

By A. Aziz Ibrahimi

An IDP camp in Kabul
An IDP camp in Kabul. (Photo:

United Nation High Commission for Refugees UNHCR had expressed concern over the internally displaced people in Afghanistan according to the reports provided by this office and the World Bank in Kabul, Herat and Kandahar provinces.

Research said unemployment, lack of shelter and poverty were the main challenges faced by the internally displaced individuals, the statement quoted adding they live in the area where the city-master plan had not been still implemented.

Rendering the research, Deputy UNHCR in Afghanistan, Alessandra Morelli told reporters that he was concerned over the going situation of internally displaced people. “They are suffering lack of shelters, employment and poverty inside Afghanistan”.

She asked the entire donor countries to provide aids for the IDP to tackle urgently tackle their problems.

Supporting the research, Afghanistan deputy minister for refugees and repatriates, Dr Abdul Samad Hami told reporters that “The research was very effective and it would help us find way to address the problems of the internally displaced people in the country”.

According to him, the internally displaced people were mostly fled from the restive provinces such as Kandahar, Helmand, Oruzgan, Nangarhar and Herat for the relatively secure regions and widely need health and education facilities.

More than 70,000 households including 433,000 members had left their main restive residential areas for the relatively cities secure areas inside the country.

Category: Poverty, Refugees/IDPs - Views: 11642