News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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  • December 30, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Veiled rebellion: Female medical students go underground in Afghanistan
    Al Jazeera: After five years of medical training, Lima, 28, should be one year into her residency as a doctor, perfecting her diagnostic skills. Instead, she takes temperatures and administers injections, tasks she has been doing at an emergency room in Kabul for three months now. While this is not the work she expected to be doing at this point in her career, she’s happy to at least be doing this.“Being at the hospital means I can stay close to my field.It helps me to stay connected to it,” Lima told Al Jazeera over the course of several telephone calls. She is identified by her first name only for safety reasons.      Full news...

  • December 27, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    ‘Dying every two hours’: Afghan women risk life to give birth
    Arab News: KHOST, Afghanistan: Zubaida traveled from the rural outskirts of Khost in eastern Afghanistan to give birth at a maternity hospital specializing in complicated cases, fearing a fate all too common among pregnant Afghan women — her death or her child’s.She lay dazed, surrounded by the unfamiliar bustle of the Doctors Without Borders (MSF)-run hospital, exhausted from delivery the day before, but relieved.Her still-weak newborn slept nearby in an iron crib with peeling paint, the child’s eyes lined with khol to ward off evil.      Full news...

  • December 22, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The youth of Afghanistan are trapped in the Taliban’s darkness
    The Hill: Abandoned by the world, Afghanistan’s youth are trapped in a nightmare. They grew up under two decades of American influence, dreaming of a future where they could pursue their education. But the Taliban have snatched away their dreams, turning education into a joke.Education is like a window to the world, as my grandfather used to say. A window that lets you breathe in the wisdom of others and exhale yours to them. It sets you free.      Full news...

  • December 17, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Oppressed by the Taliban, she swallowed acid, Now her siblings are trying to save her life
    CNN: Arzo is so weak she spends most of her day lying on a thin mattress in a dimly lit room under a ceiling fan that steadily circulates the polluted air of Pakistan’s largest city.To pass the time, she watches makeup videos on her cellphone, the glow of the screen illuminating the faded freckles of a teenager whose skin now rarely sees the sun. Arzo is a long way from her home in Afghanistan, where she lived with her parents before being smuggled across the border for medical treatment. Her older brother and sister, Ahamad and Mahsa, now care for her in a rented room in Karachi, their temporary refuge from life in Afghanistan under Taliban rule.      Full news...

  • December 14, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    One in Three Children in Afghanistan to Enter 2024 Facing Crisis Levels of Hunger
    Save the children: Almost 8 million children in Afghanistan – or one in three - will enter the new year facing crisis levels of hunger as increasingly freezing conditions threaten communities already reeling from drought, earthquakes, and economic hardship, said Save the Children. New figures[i] released today by the IPC, the global hunger monitoring system, predict an increase in the number of people experiencing crisis or emergency levels of hunger in Afghanistan during the winter months, although the situation has improved compared with the same period last year.      Full news...

  • December 12, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    “Irreversible damage” for boys and girls in Taliban schools “will haunt Afghanistan’s future”, report warns
    CBS News: The U.S. Treasury announced new sanctions over the weekend against two Taliban regime officials in Afghanistan, accusing the men of roles in the systemic “repression of women and girls."”p The Treasury specifically noted the Taliban’s ban on girls attending school beyond the sixth grade as “severe and pervasive discrimination”. ut while the impact on Afghan women and girls of the Taliban’s draconian crackdown on education has been well documented, a report from the New York-based organization Human Rights Watch warns that the Islamic fundamentalists’ approach to schooling is “causing irreversible damage to the Afghan education system for boys as well as girls.”      Full news...

  • December 10, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    UN says the Taliban must embrace and uphold human rights obligations in Afghanistan
    ABC News: The Taliban must embrace and uphold human rights obligations in Afghanistan, the U.N. mission in the country said Sunday on Human Rights Day and the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Since seizing power in 2021, the Taliban have erased basic rights and freedoms, with women and girls deeply affected. They are excluded from most public spaces and daily life, and the restrictions have sparked global condemnation.      Full news...

  • December 6, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Human Rights Activist Nabila Rahimi Arrested by the Taliban Group
    Afghanistan Women News: Local sources in Takhar province report the detention of Nabila Rahimi, a human rights activist and trainer of health programs of a contractor organization with United Nations development programs, by the Taliban. According to the sources, Nabila Rahimi was arrested from her work place on Wednesday, November 22 after being beaten by Taliban forces. One of Nabila’s relatives confirmed her arrest on Saturday, November 25, 2023, and said that Nabila was arrested by Taliban forces due to continuing her activities from the area of ​​Oil Selling Road, Taloqan city, Takhar province.      Full news...

  • December 6, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban’ Abusive Education Policies Harm Boys as Well as Girls in Afghanistan, Rights Group Says
    VOA News: The Taliban’s “abusive” educational policies are harming boys as well as girls in Afghanistan, according to a Human Rights Watch report published Wednesday. The Taliban have been globally condemned for banning girls and women from secondary school and university, but the rights group says there has been less attention to the deep harm inflicted on boys’ education. The departure of qualified teachers including women, regressive curriculum changes and the increase in corporal punishment have led to greater fear of going to school and falling attendance.      Full news...

  • December 5, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The situation of imprisoned women’s rights activists under severe torture by the Taliban
    Afghanistan Women News: After gaining power in Afghanistan, the Taliban group systematically, violently and cruelly treats women. This extremist group forcefully imposes that women must be kept in their homes and are not allowed to leave the house and be in the community. The Taliban group is specifically targeting and harassing women’s rights activists who have fought against the group in various fields in the past. Taliban forces persecute them by keeping in prisons, enduring tortures and beatings.      Full news...

  • December 1, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Hosna Sadat, the former TV presenter, committed suicide by jumping from the fourth floor of her block
    Afghanistan Wmen News: Hosna Sadat, the former presenter of Khurshid private TV, ended her life by jumping from the fourth floor of a building in Qala-e-Fathullah area of ​​the 10th district of Kabul. A number of Hosna Sadat’s friends called the reason for her suicide to escape from the hands of the Taliban and said that last night the Taliban had invaded her house, she had to jump from the fourth floor of her residential building to save herself and eventuated to committing suicide.The news of Hasna’s suicide has become public today, Friday, December 1.      Full news...