News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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  • September 25, 2019 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Australian troops accused of war crimes in Afghanistan
    WSWS: An episode of Channel Nine’s “60 Minutes” program on Sunday night featured new details of alleged war crimes committed by Australian Special Forces (SAS) soldiers in Afghanistan. The allegations included testimony from whistleblowers within the organisation and comments from Afghan civilians whose relatives were murdered. The program followed      Full news...

  • September 24, 2019 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Mass Killings In Afghanistan Are Acts of White Supremacy
    Common Dreams: An American white nationalist killed over 30 people recently. The victims, all brown, had full lives; children, loved ones, and years, full of plans, ahead of them. But then they were incinerated. Worst of all, they were murdered while Afghan.The deaths were noted in the press, and one Democrat running for president even acknowledged their passing.      Full news...

  • September 24, 2019 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Russia accuses US of transferring Daesh to northern Afghanistan
    Amn New: US special services are involved in transferring Daesh* militants to northern regions of Afghanistan with the aim of destabilising the situation on the borders with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Sergey Beseda, the head of the Russian Federal Security Service’s international relations department, said on Monday.      Full news...

  • September 23, 2019 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Inside Afghanistan: Nearly Half of Afghan Women Want to Leave
    Gallup: In less than a week, millions of Afghans will likely head to the polls to elect their next president, but record numbers of them -- including nearly half of Afghan women -- would rather be someplace else and leave their war-torn country permanently if they could. Gallup surveys show that life in Afghanistan in 2018 was, on many levels, worse than at any point in the past decade.      Full news...

  • September 23, 2019 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    40 civilians, including children, reported killed in Afghan commando strike
    The New York Times: Government officials in the southern Afghan province of Helmand said on Monday that as many as 40 civilians, including children, may have been killed during a government commando raid on an insurgent stronghold the night before. Accounts from the scene were fragmentary and contradictory, typical of violent clashes in which civilians are reported killed in remote areas late at night.      Full news...

  • September 20, 2019 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghanistan: US confirms drone attack that killed 30 farmers
    Al Jazeera: The US forces in Afghanistan have admitted that a drone attack that killed at least 30 pine nut farmers in Nangarhar province on Thursday was conducted by them. At least 40 others were injured in the attack in Wazir Tangi area of Khogyani district that was previously attributed to the West-backed Afghan government.      Full news...

  • September 16, 2019 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Inside Afghanistan: Nearly Nine in 10 Afghans Are Suffering
    Gallup: The collapse in peace negotiations between the U.S. and Taliban has removed a potential barrier to holding Afghanistan’s presidential election as scheduled on Sept. 28. But the recent surge in Taliban attacks dispels any expectation that the election will lead to peace and stability for a people who rate their lives more poorly than any other worldwide.      Full news...

  • September 13, 2019 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghanistan, Graveyard of Empires
    The Berkeley Daily Planet: Much like President Nixon’s false Vietnam narrative, both Bush and Cheney continued to mislead the American people falsely stating “we have the Taliban on the run.” The invasion was a visceral reaction to 9/11. The war followed a familiar trajectory much like the disastrous Vietnam War.      Full news...

  • September 12, 2019 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The Annual Cost Of The War In Afghanistan Since 2001 [Infographic]
    Forbes: America’s longest war, the conflict in Afghanistan, has cost 975 billion USD when 2019 estimates are factored in according to website The Balance. Their data is based on research from Brown University and it makes the war in Afghanistan second only to the inflation-adjusted 4.1 trillion USD the United States spent during the Second World War in terms of overall cost.      Full news...

  • September 1, 2019 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    How India secretly armed Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance
    The Hindu: India must not commit the error of placing Indian troops on Afghan soil, says the diplomat who coordinated New Delhi’s secret military assistance to Ahmad Shah Massoud, the military commander of the Northern Alliance, who fought the Taliban and U.S. forces till his assassination in 2001.      Full news...

  • September 1, 2019 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    In Afghanistan, Combating the Dubious Science of Virginity Testing
    Undarkud: In the winter of 2009, as a young teenager, Soraya says she was raped by a 22-year-old male teacher at her English language school in Eastern Afghanistan. A few months later, she was spotted by Afghan police walking with her rapist on the street. After being taken to the police station, she was forced to call her father, who was informed that she had likely engaged in adultery. Soraya’s father hit her when he arrived at the station and insisted that she be submitted to a virginity test.      Full news...