News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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Kabul Addicts Using Drugged Dogs To Keep Warm

Drug addicts under Pul-e-Sukhta Bridge claim the only way to stay warm is to sleep next to the feral dogs

By Gulabuddin Ghubar

Drug addicts living under the Pul-e-Sukhta Bridge in Kabul claim to give feral dogs in the area drugs so that they sleep next to them at night as they try to stay warm.

Addicts say they spend between 500 Afs and 800 Afs a day on drugs, using money earned in any way possible.

Doctors have warned however, that this practice is extremely unhealthy as the dogs carry diseases.

The chairman of the Kabul drug rehabilitation center said they are working on plans to round up the addicts in the city.

The Ministry of Public Health said recently that in conjunction with the Kabul Police Department they picked up a number of addicts recently and took them to rehabilitation centers.

However, many of these addicts have returned to their old ways and are again living under the Pul-e-Sukhta Bridge.

Category: Drugs - Views: 8645