News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
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Killid Group (Translated by RAWA), October 2, 2012

Dead woman found with nose, ear cut off

By Qila Nowi

Violence against women has always existed but is now appearing in new forms.

Amputation of ears, nose and fingers are the new methods of violence emerging nowadays.

In the most recent such incident, security forces brought a dead woman to Herat Regional Hospital, whose ear and nose had been cut off.

Officials of the legal medicine branch of Herat Regional Hospital say that they haven’t found out yet whether her ear and nose were cut off before she was killed or afterwards.

Dr. Barkatullah Mohammadi, referring to how the woman was killed, said that such incidents have shown a decrease this year as compared to last year.

Meanwhile, officials in the attorney office of Herat say that they have started a serious investigation about the incident and soon a special committee will be set up for further investigations.

Zalmai Ahmadi, head of the Prevention of Violence Against Women section of Herat’s attorney office pointed that 180 cases of violence against women had been recorded so far this year, and believes the number of cases will rise as compared to last year.

Head of the Independent Human Rights Commission in western zone, said a shocking number of the women’s homicide had been recorded during the first six months of the current year. Putting the number at 25 in Herat, Ghor, Badghis, Farah and Nimroz provinces, she said it was a serious concern for the commission.

While authorities are concerned over continued violence against women, some experts believe that lack of punishment for violators is one of the most important factors that cause the increasing violence.

Originally published on Oct. 1, 2012

Category: Women, RAWA News, HR Violations - Views: 12464


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