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News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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Policeman Claims To Have Been Beaten UP By 2nd VP’s Guards

"They all got out of their vehicles and beat me and my officer up."

By Parwiz Shamal

Policeman who was beaten by the bodyguards of Sarwar Danish the second VP
Policeman who was beaten by the bodyguards of Sarwar Danish, the second VP, after he stopped his cars as they tried to cross a road illegally. (Photo:

A police force member claimed on Monday that he was severely beaten up by the guards of second Vice President Mohammad Sarwar Danish.

The footage filmed by TOLOnews shows a policeman, Aimal Qaderi, all covered in blood with his head severely injured.

He said that he was beaten up after he stopped the cars of Danish's guards who he said were trying to cross a road illegally.

"They crossed a road illegally and when I stopped them they said they worked with the second Vice President," Qaderi said.

"They all got out of their vehicles and beat me and my officer up."

He said he will not allow anyone to act above the law even if they are the president or ministers.

He called on government to bring the perpetrators to justice and also to restore his dignity.

This was not the first case of violence against policemen by guards of senior government officials. A number of similar incidents have occurred in the past.

Category: Warlords, HR Violations - Views: 8015


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