News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
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Brave New Films, October 7, 2015

If this is what “Enduring Freedom” looks like, we really need to re-examine why we’re over there in the first place

Yet even in the wake of these terrible war crimes, war hawks are STILL pushing for more troops in the country

Today (October 7th) is the 14th Anniversary of "Operation Enduring Freedom" -the day the US invaded Afghanistan. We've spent billions of dollars, but we're no safer as a result. Time after time, we've seen that military solutions DO NOT WORK to solve political problems.

Last week, American forces bombed a Doctors without Borders hospital in Afghanistan. WHY ARE WE STILL THERE? Bin Laden is dead, and bombing civilians does nothing but create future militants. Yet even in the wake of these terrible war crimes, war hawks are STILL pushing for more troops in the country.

It's time to Rethink Afghanistan. WATCH the feature length ‪for FREE here:

Category: US-NATO, HR Violations - Views: 7358