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PAN, November 17, 2014

Half a dozen women killed

With the two murders, the number of women killed this year in the province has reached 18

Two women have been killed in northern Faryab province, increasing the number of females killed in the province this solar year to 18.

Faryab crime branch police chief Col. Sarbeland Hasham told Pajhwok Afghan News a 37-year-old woman had been shot to death with a pistol in the Pashtunkot district.

He said the mother of two children was killed by her brother as a result of a family dispute. The killer has been arrested. The police official did not explain the nature of the dispute.

However, Habibullah, a local influential elder, said the victim had been divorced by her spouse about a year ago and then she married another person. Her second marriage seemed to be the reason behind her murder, the elder suspected.

Another woman, a 22-year-old, was strangled to death by her husband in the Balcharagh district on Sunday night, according to Hasham.

He said the couple had no child a year after they tied the knot, a reason cited for the murder by her detained husband.

With the two murders, the number of women killed this year in the province has reached 18. Last month, a 35-year-old woman was stabled to death by her brother-in-law, who is still at large.

Afghanistan’s Human Rights Commission chief for Faryab Syed Hafeezullah Fitrat condemned the latest murders of women. He said most the victims had been killed by their family members and illegal gunmen and many of the killers had been arrested.

It was a day earlier, when a man beat his 70-year-old mother and then threw her down from a height in southern Ghazni province.

The incident took place on Sunday in the old Ghazni City and police had arrested the son.

Also on Sunday, a man stabbed to death his wife in the Injil district.

The woman had multiple stab wounds in the throat, the civil hospital spokesman, Mohammad Rafique Sherzai, told Pajhwok Afghan News.

Herat police spokesman Col. Abdul Rauf Ahmadi said the incident took place in the Tila area and that police had detained her husband.

In Badghis province’s Abkamri district, a father killed his daughter after she eloped with a boy.

The Taliban had captured the couple and they handed over the girl to her father and held the boy captive.

On Saturday night, a woman committed suicide by shooting herself with a pistol in Qadis district of Badghis.

The district chief, Saleh Mohammad, said initial investigation showed the deceased woman had been in a dispute with her husband.

She had been living in her father’s home and committed suicide after her husband brought her back to their home.

The incident is being investigated.

Category: Women, HR Violations - Views: 10862