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Minister Says 12,000 Afghan Heritage Sites At Risk

Much of Kabul's historical and cultural sites have been damaged by decades of war, yet some people say others have been victims of development projects implemented without proper care

By Sayed Azem Arash

Addressing the 4th Milad-e-Kabul Cultural & Research Festival on Wednesday, the Afghan Minister of Information and Culture Makhdom Raheen said that more than 12,00 cultural heritage sites in Afghanistan are under threat of damage or destruction.

Most would say Afghanistan has come a long way from the days of the Taliban when the famous Bamyan Buddhas became targets for military artillery. The Karzai government has undertaken a number of efforts to renovate and rehabilitate historical and cultural sites around the country.

Nevertheless, experts, and now the Minister charged with overseeing such sites, have acknowledged that a great amount of Afghanistan'shistorical wealth is depleting on account of neglect.

"Not enough work has been done to protect cultural monuments," Raheen said to a crowd gathered at the Kabul festival on Wednesday. "Two important cultural heritages in Kabul, the Kabul Bala Hesar and Sher Darwaza Wall, are in miserable condition...these two ancient monuments have been neglected."

Much of Kabul's historical and cultural sites have been damaged by decades of war, yet some people say others have been victims of development projects implemented without proper care.

But Kabul City Mayor Mohammad Younas Nawandesh on Wednesday say he was most concerned with the level of awareness residents to their surroundings and their law abiding behavior.

"Although we had many achievements this year, still lawlessness exists and obstructs the programs of Kabul Municipality," he said. "We should be thankful to the National Police force, they supported us in implementing our urban development plans."

The Milad-e-Kabul Cultural and Research Festival aims to celebrate the city's culture and history, and call attention to need to better preserve its valuable sites and traditions.

Category: Healthcare/Environment - Views: 8928