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PAN, April 4, 2013

3 students dead in bombing

The explosion took place in Batikot district at 12 noon when the students were on their way to home

By Mahbob Shah Mahbob

A wounded Afghan child. Two explosions in Kandahar province on October 5, 2010 killed nine people including five children.
A wounded Afghan child. Two explosions in Kandahar province on October 5, 2010 killed nine people including five children. (Photo: Allauddin Khan/Associated Press)

Three schoolchildren were killed in a roadside bombing in eastern Nangarhar province on Thursday, officials said.

The explosion took place in Batikot district at 12 noon when the students were on their way to home, the provincial deputy police chief said.

Col. Masoom Khan Hashimi told Pajhwok Afghan News they did not know what triggered the explosion, but an investigation was underway.

Dr. Abdul Fatah, head of the Batikot clinic, confirmed receiving from the scene two critically injured people who had been referred to the Jalalabad Civil Hospital.

Category: Taliban/ISIS/Terrorism, Children, HR Violations - Views: 7801


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