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Khaama Press, February 15, 2013

Afghanistan the most dangerous country for journalists: CPJ

The report also added that the new media law with complicated amendments open the doors for the government to implement limitations on news programs in the country

By Ghanizada

Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) expressed concerns regarding the working condition of Afghan journalists.

According to the new report of CPJ there are no reports regarding the casualties of Afghan journalists from 2005, and Afghanistan is one of the dangerous place for the journalists.

Various Afghan and international journalists quoted in the reported complained regarding the journalists situation in Afghanistan and said they were threatened for several times in 2012.

The report also added that the new media law with complicated amendments open the doors for the government to implement limitations on news programs in the country.

According to CPJ around 400 media agencies are currently operating in Afghanistan.

Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) in its report also added that the Afghan medias numbers had significant growth in a time where the international allies of Afghanistan are reducing their military and economic aid and on the other majority of the NATO combat troops are leaving the country by 2014 which will further reduce international aid to Afghanistan.

In the meantime media officials in Afghanistan are saying that the numbers of media agencies are gradually reducing and around 700 journalists lost their jobs last year.

CPJ also warned that the number of independent media agencies are reducing and only media agencies that operates for political and religious leaders will continue to their operations.

Afghanistan has secured 7th position among the 12 nations where journalists are facing limitations and hard working conditions, according to CPJ report.

According to the report Iraq secures the first position while Somalia ranks the second where journalists are facing threats and hard working conditions.

Nepal ranks the 6th nation, Mexico ranks 8th, Pakistan 10th , Brazil ranks 11th and India secures the 12th nation where journalists face threats, according to the report.

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