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PAN, May 26, 2011

Foreign troops kill civilians in Maidan Wardak

"There are no Taliban in our area. Afghan and foreign soldiers come to the area to kill civilians."

NATO-led troops shot dead three civilians in central Maidan Wardak province, an Afghan official said on Thursday
PAN, May 26, 2011: NATO-led troops shot dead three civilians in central Maidan Wardak province, an Afghan official said on Thursday. Resident Ghulam Sakhi Rasuli said the men were working on their farms, and had no any link to any militant organisation.

NATO-led troops shot dead three civilians in central Maidan Wardak province, an Afghan official said on Thursday.

The deaths took place in Lala Khel area of the province, Shahidullah Shahid, the governor's spokesman, told Pajhwok Afghan News.

Resident Ghulam Sakhi Rasuli said the men were working on their farms, and had no any link to any militant organisation. "There are no Taliban in our area. Afghan and foreign soldiers come to the area to kill civilians."

Category: US-NATO, HR Violations - Views: 15121


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