News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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Talk Radio News Service, May 9, 2011

Poll: 56 Percent Want U.S. Troops Out Of Afghanistan additional 21 percent said they would like a “firm timetable” in place to bring troop home within a year

By Justin Duckham

56 percent of likely voters want to see the U.S. remove troops from Afghanistan as soon as next year, according to a new Rasmussen poll.

The numbers reflect the highest level of opposition to date against the ongoing military presence. 35 percent of those polled said that they would like to see American troops pulled out immediately, whereas an additional 21 percent said they would like a “firm timetable” in place to bring troop home within a year.

70 percent of respondents who identified as Democrats favor speedy withdrawal, as do 42 percent of Republicans. According to Rasmussen, those in the GOP opposing the American presence represent a “growing number.”

The U.S. is scheduled to begin a limited withdrawal from the country this July. The rate and breadth of the initial removal will likely be based on an upcoming recommendation from General David Petraeus, who commands U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

Despite apparent opposition to U.S. involvement, confidence in the “war on terror” following Osama bin Laden’s death appears to be at the highest it’s been since February of 2009. 55 percent now believe that the U.S. is winning.

The poll was conducted among 1,000 likely voters between May 5th-6th.

Category: US-NATO, Protest - Views: 8733


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