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Press TV, September 19, 2010

US-led offensives kill six Afghan civilians

Hundreds of civilians have lost their lives in US-led airstrikes and ground operations in different parts of the war-ravaged country over the past months

US-led forces have killed at least six civilians and wounded several others in two separate incidents in Afghanistan's troubled east.

People bury bodies in Nangarhar
Afghans bury people killed in an overnight raid on a compound in the Nangarhar province's Khogyani district, east of Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, April 5, 2010. (Photo: AP/Rahmat Gul)

Five people were killed during a US-led military assault in Nangarhar Province.

In Laghman Province, an elderly woman died during an operation by American forces and her offspring was wounded in the attack.

The US-led troops have killed large numbers of Afghan civilians and military personnel in so-called friendly fire incidents since 2001.

Hundreds of civilians have lost their lives in US-led airstrikes and ground operations in different parts of the war-ravaged country over the past months.

The loss of civilian lives at the hand of foreign forces has dramatically increased anti-American sentiments in Afghanistan.

Category: US-NATO, HR Violations - Views: 10824


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