News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
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Quqnoos, April 14, 2010

Women Self-Immolation Surges in Paktia

Security organizations in Paktia also confirm the seven suicide cases

Human rights bodies are concerned about the rise of women self-burnings in Paktia province

Self-immolation in Paktia Hospital
Security organizations in Paktia also confirm the seven suicide cases.

The human rights bodies acknowledge that the cause of female suicides stem from unpleasant traditions, lack of public information about the rights of women and unawareness about Islamic laws.

Daud Afzali, the head of the Human Rights Independent Commission, said during a session in southeast Afghanistan on ways how to reduce violence against women that several factors have boosted the self-burnings.

“Together we should avoid self- immolation, otherwise it will increase,” said Daud Afzali.

On the other hand, officials at the UN office in the southeastern Afghanistan have been informed of other kinds of violence such as problems encourage people to flee home or commit suicide.

Security organizations in Paktia also confirm the seven suicide cases.

Category: Women, HR Violations - Views: 9376


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