News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
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CNN via TRESSUGAR, October 24, 2009

According to NGOs, 90 Percent of Afghan Women Are Abused

A 9-year-old tells her story of being raped at age five.

This sobering CNN video takes us into one of only a dozen women's shelters in Kabul, Afghanistan. According to nongovernmental agencies, 90 percent of Afghan women are victims of domestic abuse.


One woman is at the shelter trying to escape 15 years of abuse from her husband for not being able to conceive a child. As she speaks, a slash on her throat is visible and highlighted by stitches. She would like to see her family again, but she fears she will be killed if she goes home. Another woman has tried to kill herself three times to escape the abuse of a man who often chained her to a wall, setting her free only when it was time for her to cook. In a country where women are viewed as property, even children aren't spared. A 9-year-old tells her story of being raped at age five.

Category: Women, HR Violations - Views: 18978