News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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Plight of Grana, the Sole Survivor of Coalition Bombing in Afghanistan

Locals claim over 70 people lost their live along whole of her family.

Pia Heikkila, Mustafa Khalili and Michael Tait


Grana, 12, is the sole survivor of a coalition bombing in southern Helmand province that took her arm and her leg, and killed nine members of her family.

Her name is Grana, it means precious in Pashto. Her leg and arm were rapped off by a bomb blast which destroyed her village near the Helmand town of Kiakey, Sothern Afghanistan.

Grana is just 12 years old, she is lucky to be alive. Grana and her family were victims of a coalition bombing. Locals claim over 70 people lost their live along whole of her family.

"My mother, my three sisters and my two brothers were killed. My nephew and both my sisters-in-law were also killed. My whole body was hurting me so much..."

Because all of her family died in the attack, she is now being cared by her uncle Ahmad.

Category: Taliban/ISIS/Terrorism, US-NATO, Children, HR Violations - Views: 11410