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PAN, May 21, 2009

Teenage mother stabbed to death in Faryab, Northern Afghanistan

More than 2000 cases of domestic violence including suicide, burning, murder and sexual assault had been registered all over the country.

Zabihullah Ihsaas & Qaloach

MAZAR-I-SHARIF: A teenage mother was stabbed to death by her in-laws in northwestern Faryab province on Wednesday what appears to be a result of domestic violence, officials said Thursday.

Raheela, 18, who died from multiple stab wounds was the mother of one who got married four years ago, women affairs director in Faryab, Sharifa Azimi told Pajhwok Afghan News.

The incident happened in Balcharagh district of the province, she said.

According Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) over 2000 cases of family violence have been registered during 2008 in the country while the cases in 2007 were 1800.
PAN, Apr. 29, 2009

Raheela's family members charged her father-in-law for killing her.

Azimi further said her death appeared to be a result of domestic violence.

Besides stab wounds, she was severally tortured as sings of wounds were visible on her body, said public health director, Abdul Ali.

"My daughter got married in exchange for another girl and her in-laws ever since did not allow her to visit her family", said Ghulam Rasool, the father of the deceased girl.

He accused her in-laws of beating and torturing her frequently and demanded of the government to punish the culprits.

Police have arrested the father-in-law of Raheela, but he told the police that she had committed suicide, said major general Mohammad Khalil Andrabi, Faryab police chief.

Director of the Human Rights Commission in the province Syed Hafizullah Fitrat said that it was a second incident of its kind in the province.

He said the family of Raheela brought her dead body to his office with three stab wounds in abdomen.

He said last week another woman, Maimona, was found dead in a well in the capital city of the province.

Mulla Nadir, a religious scholar linked these atrocities to lack of religious knowledge among the people.

He said recently a girl was engaged in exchange for 800, 000 afghani which is equivalent to human selling, something against Islam and a reason of domestic violence.

Meanwhile, in neighboring Balkh province, a dead body of a woman was found by residents on Thursday. The girl, 25, was drowned in flood water three days ago in Sultan Baba area.

The body was shifted to nearby hospital by the residents and she was recognized by her husband, said Colonel Sardar Mohammad Sultani, Balkh police chief.

However, a doctor at Balkh Hospital, Dr Mohammadullah suspected the girl might be strangulated as sings around her neck of possible strangulation were found.

According to Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, more than 2000 cases of domestic violence including suicide, burning, murder and sexual assault had been registered all over the country.

Category: Women, HR Violations - Views: 14054