News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
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Xinhua, April 26, 2009

Girl school burned down in NW Afghanistan

Dozens of schools have been attacked and destroyed by insurgents over the past couple of years in Afghanistan

Unknown armed men set fire on a girl school in Ghor province, in northwestern Afghanistan, a local newspaper reported Sunday.

"Unidentified men dynamited a girl school in Tiwara district Friday night and destroyed it," a security official was quoted by the daily Arman-e-Millie.

The report put the attack on Taliban militants, but the outfit has yet to claim responsibility.

Dozens of schools have been attacked and destroyed by insurgents over the past couple of years in Afghanistan where Taliban militants during their six-year regime had banned girl schools and confined women to their houses.

Editor: Wang Guanqun

Category: Taliban/ISIS/Terrorism, Women, Children, Education - Views: 13974