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Quqnoos, January 1, 2009

A Day Afghans Will Always Remember

It was the starting date to change Kabul city from a typical capital to ruins...

Kabul destroyed under the Mujahideen rule
Almost 90% of Kabul was destroyed in the dog-eat-dog fights between fundamentalist factions. (RAWA)

Coordination Council 15th anniversary Fifteen years from today on Jadi 11, 1372 (December 31, 1993) the Afghan civil war began in Kabul.

The day coincides with the formation of Coordination Council, in which Abdul Ali Mazari leader of Wahdat (unity) party, Gulbud din Hekmatyar leader of Islamic party, Abdul Rashid Dustom leader of Junbesh-e Milli Islami Afghanistan (National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan) party, Sebghatullah Mujadedi leader of Nejat-e Meli party got together and started their joint attacks against Burhan ud din Rabani's government.

The main reason behind the formation of Coordination Council was to become one united opposition group and defeat the government of Burhan ud din Rabani.

This day is remembered as one of the worst days in the recent history of Afghanistan, as some analyst recall, “Rockets and heavy missiles were being fired from every direction in Kabul".

Several highly placed members of the current Afghan government and legislature were implicated in war crimes during brutal fighting that killed or displaced hundreds of thousands of Kabul's residents in the early 1990s and precipitated the rise of the Taliban. Most prominent among this group are parliamentarians Abdul Rabb al Rasul Sayyaf, Mohammed Qasim Fahim and Burhanuddin Rabbani, Minister of Energy Ismail Khan, Army Chief of Staff Abdul Rashid Dostum, and current Vice President Karim Khalili, all of whom continue to misuse positions of power.
Human Rights Watch, Dec.12, 2006

It was the starting date to change Kabul city from a typical capital to ruins,Countless dead bodies were on the streets of Kabul in the following days.

Kabul hospitals became full of wounded people and there weren’t enough medicine for them, and people were dying on daily bases.

Thousands of families either fled the country to Pakistan and Iran, or displaced internally from one place to another.

Schools and government organization buildings became shelters of displaced civilians and even more than one and half decade later, people observe the remaining of those ruins in parts of Kabul.

Despite lots of efforts, no one from the Coordination Council agreed to comment on this topic.

Category: Warlords, HR Violations - Views: 18061