On the 14th of November 2009 a solidarity fund raiser was held to support the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA). The fund raiser was held as part of the ‘Edinburgh Anti-Militarist’ week long event to oppose the Annual General meeting of NATO which took place in Edinburgh between the 13th to the 17th of November this year. During this time several protests were held outside the conference centre where NATO delegates were meeting and six people were arrested by police when they tried to enter the building wearing T-shirts with pictures of injured Afghan children on them.

An anti-war protester is arrested after trying to disrupt a meeting of NATO delegates.
The fund raiser was held in the evening and began with a showing of the film ‘View from a Grain of Sand’ directed by Meena Nanji, which highlights Afghan women’s history over the last 30 years and the steady erosion of women’s rights in the country. A display of photographs taken from RAWA’s website was available for people to look at and learn from through out the evening. ‘Solidarity Goods’ an Edinburgh based shop which sells Afghan crafts on behalf of several charities was also present.

People at the fund raiser listening to live music after watching 'View from a Grain of Sand'.
Several live bands played and food was served to people attending the event by the voluntary group ‘Food not Bombs’. Many people came and enjoyed the event, and several expressed interest in organising similar events in the future.

The photographic display of RAWA's activities
As a result of the event £300 was raised for RAWA and we have now set up the Edinburgh based group ‘RAWA Solidarity Scotland’ whose aim is to continue active support of RAWA in the future.

If you would like to join the mailing list for RAWA Solidarity Scotland send an email to RawaSolidarityScotland@lists.noflag.org.uk