NHK News, October 2, 2021

Taliban crack down on Afghan women's protest

Armed Taliban fighters have forcibly dispersed a group of women who were demanding that girls in Afghanistan be allowed to return to secondary school.

Taliban stop Afghan women protesters
The Taliban fighters opened fire at protesting women to disperse them in Kabul on September 30. The hardline Islamist group even pushed the women protesters and forced them to stop the demonstrations.

Armed Taliban fighters have forcibly dispersed a group of women who were demanding that girls in Afghanistan be allowed to return to secondary school.

The protest took place on Thursday in the capital Kabul. About 10 Taliban fighters rushed to the scene and threatened the women to leave, including by firing shots into the air.

Girls have been unable to attend secondary school since the Taliban took control of the country in August.

In September, the group said boys and girls in secondary school cannot study in the same buildings or classrooms under their interpretation of Islamic teaching.

The uncertainty over the reopening of secondary school for girls is raising concerns about further restrictions on women's rights under Taliban rule.

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