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Press Com. of CISDA, March 14, 2012

We protest against the arrival of the Afghan criminal Mohaqiq in Italy!

Mohammad Mohaqiq's election campaign ad sprayed blood red
RAWA News: Mohammad Mohaqiq, a brutal warlord who committed countless crimes against innocent civilians, especially women, stood up for the parliamentary elections. The people of Kabul sprayed his election campaign ad blood red as a sign of protest for allowing such a warlord to be in power and not prosecuted for crimes against humanity. He is currently member of the parliament. (Photo:

It is announced that on March 17, in Via San Gallicano, Rome the infamous Afghan warlord and criminal Mohammed Mohaqiq, leader of the fundamentalist Hezb-e-Wahdat Party will visit.

On 16 March this brutal criminal is the keynote speaker at a conference held in Campidoglio, in presence of the fascist Mayor of Rome: Alemanno; Gilberto Casciani (International Affairs Committee Chairman), Nino Sergi (Intersos), Emanuele Giordana and Lisa Clark (, Mr. the Gianni Vernetti (Foreign Affairs Committee and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

In addition, on March 17 in Rome, in Via San Gallicano with the pretext of celebrating the Afghan New Year, Mohaqiq will attend the annual commemoration of the death of Mazari, bloodthirsty warlord found guilty of heinous massacres against the civilian population of Afghanistan in 1992 -1996.

According to the detailed reconstruction of the Human Rights Watch report Blood Stained Hands ( Mohammed Mohaqiq was one of the most bloodthirsty militia commanders of Hezb-e-Wahdat during the civil war of 1992-1996, along with Abdul Ali Mazari and Karim Khalili. After the Taliban fell in 2001, Mohaqiq was appointed vice president of the interim government and Minister for Urban Planning. During the Loya Jirga in 2002, his party was among the most violent in using threats and intimidation against other delegates, helping to frustrate the process that many hoped would finally take power away from the warlords and put the fate of Afghanistan in hands of civil society.

Instead, the warlords were still to supported and strengthened to stay in power.

In 2002, Mohaqiq still had a militia of Hezb-e-Wahdat under his command, who pillaged and plundered the province of Balkh, around Mazar-e Sharif, deliberately attacking civilians in the countryside and subjecting them repeated beatings, murders and rapes.

In 2007, Mohaqiq was one of the main architects of the infamous amnesty law, immediately condemned by the UN, launched by the Karzai government in defense of the warlords who were guilty of crimes against humanity during the civil war 1992-1996. He is also among the advocates of a reactionary law against women, legally authorizing the rape and violence within marriage.

The men of Mohaqiq are known and feared especially for the abduction of girls, attacking female students on their way to school, who are raped and then made their families are forced to pay a ransom.

The CISDA, Italian Coordination Supporting Afghan Women, asks all forces and movements working for justice and human rights in Italy, Afghanistan and around the world to jointly condemn firmly the presence, and each type of institutional hospitality of Mohammed Mohaqiq, a criminal against humanity, in Rome.

Category: Warlords, HR Violations - Views: 18414


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