December 12, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
Global Research: These military forces will not be going to Afghanistan to set up vaccination programs or conduct literacy classes for Afghan girls. They are going there as part of the most destructive military machine on the planet, to wreak violence. The military machine that has bombed wedding parties, that has held thousands of young Afghan men in Bagram prison without charges, that kicks down doors in the middle of the night—this machine is being strengthened and further unleashed. Full news...
December 11, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
IRIN: Rabia, 14, is expecting her first child almost a year after getting married to Haji Obaidullah, aged 49, as his second wife. “She is supposed to deliver in a few days, but this is her first visit to a health centre,” said Nazia Hemat, an obstetrician at Mia Abdul Hakim Hospital in the southern province of Kandahar. Rabia is fortunate in being able to visit the hospital: “Men often don’t allow their pregnant women to go to hospitals and doctors,” Full news...
December 11, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
RAWA News: Based on UNICEF survey more than half of all children under age five suffer from malnutrition... average per capita monthly expenditure of nine million Afghans is less than 66 US cents a day ... but the mafia and puppet regime of such poor and devastated country, purchases a $4.2 million luxury apartment for residence of Zahir Tanin, and also a 5.4 million commercial space for the Consulate and the Permanent Mission to the United Nations. Full news...
December 10, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
MSF: Afghanistan has some of the worst health indicators in the world. In a province like Helmand, the noise of war is heard around the clock as helicopters take off in the night, and gunfire and rockets are audible in the distance. In this context, ordinary health problems become medical emergencies because movement from villages to towns is very dangerous, and in many places simply impossible. Full news...
December 10, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
The Los Angeles Times: Several hundred women, many holding aloft pictures of relatives killed by drug lords or Taliban militants, held a loud but nonviolent street protest today, demanding that President Hamid Karzai purge from his government anyone connected to corruption, war crimes or the Taliban. Full news...
December 9, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
PAN: Thousands of university students protesting against US forces in eastern Nangarhar province blocked the Kabul-Jalalabad Highway for hours on Wednesday. The demonstration was staged by Nangarhar University students in Daronta district to denounce the US forces' operation in Laghman province, where 15 civilians were allegedly killed. Full news...
December 8, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
Reuters: Afghan women are among the worst off in the world, violence against them is “endemic” and Afghanistan’s government fails to protect them from crimes such as rape and murder, a rights group said on Monday. Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report the situation for women in Afghanistan is “dismal in every area”. Full news...
December 8, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
PAN: Mehtarlam dwellers claimed US forces killed 15 ordinary people including women and children during an overnight operation in the Armal village on the outskirts of the provincial capital. Hundreds of protesters from nearby villages brought the bodies to the city and placed them in front of the governor's house at 9am. Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers fired into the air as the demonstrators neared the entrance to the governor's house. Full news...
December 7, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
The Guardian: The already dire plight of women in Afghanistan risks deteriorating further as the US and its allies take steps to turn around the war against the Taliban, according to a report by Human Rights Watch today. Eight years after the Taliban were ousted from power, rapists are often protected from prosecution, women can still be arrested for running away from home, and girls have far less access to schools than boys, the report says. Full news...
December 6, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
Al-Jazeera: Two-years after she was beaten and raped by eight men, fourteen-year-old Samiya has yet to see justice. Her story stands in contrast to Western claims that the lot of women in Afghanistan has improved since the US-led invasion. Seven of the eight men who attacked Samiya were arrested, but her family believes their daughter's rapists have powerful connections and are looking for revenge. Full news...
December 5, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
PAN: The National Participation Front (NPF) chairman has accused the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) head of corruption and demanded her immediate removal. Kabuli alleged Samar received bribes from warlords, removed their names from the list of war criminals and converted AIHRC into a safe haven for outlaws and human rights violators, besides embezzling international funds. Full news...
December 4, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
Global Research: The Bush administration never had any intention of liberating Afghanistan or establishing democracy. The real aim was to remove the politically-intractable Taliban and replace them with a puppet regime run by a former-CIA asset. The rest of Afghanistan would be parceled-off to the warlords.... Full news...
December 4, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
ABC News via Global Research: As he justified sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan at a cost of $30 billion a year, President Barack Obama's description Tuesday of the al Qaeda "cancer" in that country left out one key fact: U.S. intelligence officials have concluded there are only about 100 al Qaeda fighters in the entire country. Full news...
December 3, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
The government won this round. 30,000 more troops is a clear loss for us and more importantly the people of Afghanistan. .... Obama is a war president and we are a peace movement. As long as we’re moving, Obama, and you refuse to be governed, we’ll refuse to be governed. Your racist wars will end and this world will know peace in our lifetimes. Until that day, rest assured that WE WILL BE YOUR INSURGENCY! Full news...
December 3, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
IRIN: Dozens of families who lost their homes after earthquakes in the eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar in April 2009 have moved to an informal settlement for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and called for urgent assistance. Two earthquakes measuring 5.5 and 5.1 on the Richter scale rocked Sherzad and Hesarak districts in Nangarhar Province on 16-17 April, killing 22 people, injuring 59 and destroying 290 houses; 300-600 livestock were also lost and 650 families made homeless, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Full news...
December 3, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
The Associated Press: A senior British military commander says roads in Afghanistan were safer when the Taliban ran the country. Maj. Gen. Nick Carter told the BBC on Thursday that before the 2001 invasion, women could travel alone in the southern part of Afghanistan. He says "you could put your daughter on a bus in Kabul sure in the knowledge that she would get in one piece to Kandahar." Full news...
December 2, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
The Progressive: If you closed your eyes during much of the President’s speech on Afghanistan Tuesday night and just listened to the words, you easily could have concluded that George W. Bush was still in the Oval Office. Or, at the very least, that Obama had stolen his speechwriters. Because, like Bush, Obama had barely cleared his throat when out came the first mention of September 11, along with the Bushian line: “We did not ask for this fight.” Full news...
December 2, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
IRIN: Eight years after the formal end of Taliban rule in Afghanistan, women are facing growing challenges in public life and have limited access to justice, according to the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA). "The space for women in public life is shrinking," warned Norah Niland, head of UNAMA's human rights unit and a representative of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Full news...
December 1, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
Xinhua: Afghan Minister of Public Health Sayed Mohammad Amin Fatime warned Tuesday that AIDS transmission among illegal drug users remains the main factor of spreading the disease in the post-Taliban country. "Addiction, especially using heroin through injection, continues to be the main channel of transmission of AIDS in Afghanistan," the minister said in a notice for Tuesday's World AIDS Day. Full news...
December 1, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
MichaelMoore.com: Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-N.Y.) on Monday accused former President George W. Bush of “intentionally” letting Osama bin Laden escape during the American invasion of Afghanistan. “Look what happened with regard to our invasion into Afghanistan, how we apparently intentionally let bin Laden get away,” Hinchey said during an interview on MSNBC. Full news...
December 1, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
The Guardian: I have said before that by installing warlords and drug traffickers in power in Kabul, the US and Nato have pushed us from the frying pan to the fire. Now Obama is pouring fuel on these flames, and this week's announcement of upwards of 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan will have tragic consequences. Full news...
December 1, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
Reuters: Rape in Afghanistan is under-reported, concealed and a human rights problem of "profound proportions", the United Nations said on Monday. Norah Niland, the United Nations' human rights representative in Afghanistan, said field research conducted late last year and early this year found rape affected all parts of Afghanistan, across all communities and social groups. Full news...
November 30, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
Examiner.com: It is truly astonishing to watch the cataclysmic implosion of the Obama administration. No one had ever been ushered into the White House with such pomp and enthusiasm. No one had spent so many hundreds of millions of dollars to convince people to vote. No one had garnered such global adoration. And no one had assumed the office with less experience. Full news...
November 30, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
Sri Lanka Guardian: It is now very clear that the US and NATO have achieved nothing of substance in their adventure into Afghanistan and are sinking in the quagmire deeper every day. The US now desperately needs an exit strategy that looks like a win for two reasons: First its reputation as a mighty military power that can’t be beaten, and especially by tribal clansmen. Second if it withdraws empty-handed, how does it explain the rising number of troop deaths and the billions that are still being poured into a narco-state that is corrupt, in the middle of an economic down-turn at home. Full news...
November 30, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
Xinhua: Police in the northern Samangan province of Afghanistan found bodies of two children, a private television channel reported Monday. "Police found bodies of two children who went missing four days ago in Samangan's provincial capital Aibak," Tolo broadcast in its news bulletin. Both the innocent kids, aged 8 and 12 respectively, had been killed by stoning and stick, police said. Full news...
November 29, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
ww4report.com: Authentic Afghan voices for democracy, secularism and women's rights oppose the US/NATO occupation precisely because the US has connived with fundamentalist war criminals from the day it arrived in Afghanistan. Foremost among these voices is the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), who maintained clandestine schools for girls under Taliban rule at the ultimate personal risk. Full news...
November 29, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
Press TV: Unprecedented levels of drug addiction among Afghan women have raised concerns as the lucrative narcotic industry hurtles onwards. The Governor of Helmand Gulab Mangal says women comprise of 30 percent of the 70,000 drug addicts in the southern Afghan province, the website for the British state broadcaster BBC reported in its Farsi edition. The percentage amounts to 13,000-14,000 women, he added. Full news...
November 28, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
Press TV: Two Afghan teenagers held in a prison in northern Kabul say they have been abused by US forces in Afghanistan, The Washington Post has reported. In an article published on Friday, the newspaper said the Afghan teens had been held in solitary confinement in concrete cells for at least two weeks while undergoing daily interrogation about their alleged links to the Taliban. Full news...
November 28, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
Al-Jazeera: The last time I stood by the bedside of a woman who’d tried to burn herself to death was in Kandahar one year ago. She was screaming in pain and later died. It was not an experience I wanted to repeat. But this week I found myself in the Burns Unit at a hospital in Herat watching a mother spoon feed her child some rice through lips that were horribly blistered. Full news...
November 26, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
The Telegraph: The military's inspector general asked to be relieved of his duties after a newspaper reported the military knew civilians had died even as German ministers were denying the allegation.A Nato inquiry has since said up to 142 people including civilians died in the September 4 bombing of two hijacked fuel tankers in Kunduz province. Full news...
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