RAWA News, December 11, 2009Afghanistan purchases 9.6 million Dollar luxury spaces for its mission in New York"We did purchase a residence for the ambassador," his assistant said.RAWA: According to the latest UNDP Human Development Report, Afghanistan is ranked 181 out of 182 countries, based on UNICEF survey more than half of all children under age five suffer from malnutrition, and Afghanistan’s new National Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (NRVA) finding say that average per capita monthly expenditure of nine million Afghans is less than 66 US cents a day, and millions of other Afghans spend only $42 a month. But the mafia and puppet regime of such poor and devastated country, purchases a $4.2 million luxury apartment for residence of the Permanent Representative of Afghanistan to the United Nations, Zahir Tanin, and also a 5.4 million commercial space for the Consulate and the Permanent Mission to the United Nations. Here are media reports about this topic: Afghanistan Buys $4.2 M. Trump Condo (with 'Peacefulness and Views')The New York Observer ( http://www.observer.com/2009/real-estate/afghanistan-mission-un-buys-42-m-trump-condo-peacefulness-and-views?page=all ), September 11, 2009 ![]() The Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the UN, Zahir Tanin, has a lovely new apartment. According to two deeds the group spent $4,235,000 on a 2,840-square-foot apartment at Trump World Tower. The Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations has a lovely new apartment. According to two deeds filed Friday, the group spent $4,235,000 on a 2,840-square-foot apartment at Trump World Tower, plus a $5.4 million commercial space at 633 Third Avenue. H.E. Zahir Tanin, whose title is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the United Nations, is listed in the deeds. "We did purchase a residence for the ambassador," his assistant said. She said the office space is "going to be used both for the Consulate and the Permanent Mission to the United Nations. We are two separate things, but they're both part of the government of Afghanistan, and it was the government of Afghanistan that's making these purchases." She isn't sure who the country's real estate broker is, or who had the honor of picking the budget or the locale. "I think a lot of this was decided with Afghanistan, with the government in Kabul. But who had the say I don't know." The Warburg listing for the condo is exceptionally poetic. "Sunshine, peacefulness and views define this beautiful high floor corner residence," it begins, "which lays claim to marvelous southern views of the Chrysler and Empire State buildings as well as long range vistas of the East River and beyond." The listing says that the three-bedroom's design is chic and smart; that its study/dining room and eat-in kitchen are "elegantly refined for comfortable living"; that the cabinetry is "tailored mahogany"; that the building has "private Pilates and massage rooms"; and that the corner apartment's layout is "the most desired" in the building. It's a tad unsettling that a country that's more or less near apocalyptic has a New York apartment that's elegantly refined for comfort. "I’ve been working in the area for years," listing broker Robert E. Doernberg said Friday. "A lot of governments buy. It’s not a big deal to me." Afghanistan purchases two East Side unitsThe Real Deal ( http://therealdeal.com/newyork/articles/afghanistan-purchases-two-east-side-units-trump-world-tower-845-united-nations-plaza ), September 11, 2009 Completely idiotic. I can't believe U.S. tax dollars are being used to purchase overpriced tacky luxury condos. C R A Z Y Comment #6 By: Ironballs, 09/13/09 The government of Afghanistan has purchased two multi-million dollar Upper East Side spaces for its ambassadorial branch, the Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations, according to two deeds filed today. The first, a 2,840-square-foot apartment in the Trump World Tower at 845 United Nations Plaza, sits on the corner of 47th Street and sold for $4.235 million. The unit will serve as a residence for H.E. Zahir Tanin, Afghanistan's permanent representative to the United Nations, according to a statement from Tanin's assistant. The assistant added that the second unit purchased, a $5.4 million commercial space at 633 Third Avenue on the corner of 41st Street, will be used as office space for the consulate and the mission. Characters Count: 5232 |