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PAN, January 20, 2009

Locals claim US-led coalition killed 25 civilians in Kapisa

Bai Jan, a resident of Anzari Village told Pajhwok Afghan News the US-led soldiers blew up five houses of ordinary people at approximately 2:00am.

Ahmad Jawed Jawed & Habib Rahman Ibrahimi -

KABUL: Locals and tribal elders Tuesday claimed the US-led coalition troops killed 25 civilians including five women; however coalition troops claim eliminating 18 militants during an operation in central Kapisa province.

The sweep was conducted in Anzari Village of Tagab district in the central province late Monday night. Bai Jan, a resident of Anzari Village told Pajhwok Afghan News the US-led soldiers blew up five houses of ordinary people at approximately 2:00am.

There were no Taliban or fighters of Hizb-i-Islami Afghanistan in the area, said another tribal elder who did not want to be named.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Tuesday accused his Western allies of not doing enough to stop civilian deaths in the "war on terror" and failing to cut opium production in areas patrolled by foreign troops.
AFP, Jan. 20, 2008

The district chief and district police chief have also confirmed the overnight operation, however, they expressed unawareness about casualties. The US-led coalition troops in a statement claimed killing over 18 militants including a senior commander Mullah Patang.

The retaliatory firing and bombardment was conducted soon after militants attacked a coalition convoy from their hideouts, the statement, said and added eight suspected militants were detained and large numbers of weapons recovered after the operation.

No Taliban and HIA fighters were killed in overnight sweep carried out on ordinary houses, said Zabihullah Mujahid spokesman of Taliban and Fazal Ahmad Ahmadi, a regional commander of Hizb-i-Islami Afghanistan.

The coalition troops also claimed killing Mullah Abdul Rahim, a militant commander and his fellow in a separate offensive in Panjwayee district of southern Kandahar province. However, a local said the troops killed four dwellers of the district.

Abdul Qadir, a resident of the restive district informed this news agency, the US-led troops bombed ordinary houses after a roadside bomb blast hit their military vehicle.

Eight women were killed in a rocket explosion during a battle between troops and Taliban insurgents near Tirinkot, provincial capital of central Uruzgan province some two weeks back.

It was not clear who had fired the rocket that also wounded nine other people, including a child.

Category: US-NATO, HR Violations - Views: 12364